A Milestone & New Begining
[ Study. Achieve. CelebratE. ]
Bar/Bat Mitzvah @ MiYaD is an exceptional, meaningful event.
When your child is ready for Bar/Bat Mitzvah training, Rabbi Krivisky will lay the foundation for a meaningful ceremony. Each service is completely 'bespoke' - customized to your child.
The day is your son/daughter's day. They are the center of attention as they complete one phase of life and enter another - as a Jewish person. 'Mitzvah' does not just mean "good deed", but "connection". Bar/Bat Mitzvah expresses the life-long connection a Jewish person has to G-d, the Torah and the Jewish people, as your son or daughter is ushered into adulthood.
At MiYaD, your family will find a comfortable, non-judgmental Synagogue atmosphere that hosts your family and friends with open arms. Our Bar/Bat Mitzvah services is user-friendly and is in Hebrew and English, accessible for all.
Bar/Bat Mitzvah lessons take place one-on-one, so that your child has our undivided attention, and feels confident and prepared for this momentous occasion.
Rabbi Krivisky is available for consultation regarding all aspects of this special day.
Each Bar/Bat Mitzvah is a different cost according to service provided. Catering is also available for after service refreshments or luncheon. There are no hidden fees or costs.
Please contact us to plan an unforgettable Bar/Bat Mitzvah.
Strong Jewish Identity
Our educational approach fosters a strong Jewish identity in children, providing foundation for a lifetime of faith and commitment.
Engage in Interactive Activities
Our hands-on program encourages participation and interactive learning. Children will have a direct and engaging experience with Jewish traditions.
Personalized BAR/BAT Mitzvah Training with Rabbi Krivisky
Layout the foundation for a meaningful ceremony with personalized training from Rabbi Krivisky