A Milestone & New Begining

[ Study. Achieve. CelebratE. ]

Bar/Bat Mitzvah @ MiYaD is an exceptional, meaningful event.

When your child is ready for Bar/Bat Mitzvah training, Rabbi Krivisky will lay the foundation for a meaningful ceremony.  Each service is completely 'bespoke' - customized to your child.

The day is your son/daughter's day.  They are the center of attention as they complete one phase of life and enter another - as a Jewish person.  'Mitzvah' does not just mean "good deed", but "connection". Bar/Bat Mitzvah expresses the life-long connection a Jewish person has to G-d, the Torah and the Jewish people, as your son or daughter is ushered into adulthood.

Strong Jewish Identity

Our educational approach fosters a strong Jewish identity in children, providing foundation for a lifetime of faith and commitment.

Engage in Interactive Activities

Our hands-on program encourages participation and interactive learning. Children will have a direct and engaging experience with Jewish traditions.

Personalized BAR/BAT Mitzvah Training with Rabbi Krivisky

Layout the foundation for a meaningful ceremony with personalized training from Rabbi Krivisky