Every week there are dynamic programs going on @ MiYaD.
Whether it is social, educational, spiritual, or community outreach, there is something going on for YOU.
Jewish Spirituality Class w/ Rabbi
Give a hug. Receive a hug. Bake a hug!
Challah Hugs
Every week women in our community do the Mitzvah of baking Challah with Aliza.
They volunteer and deliver it throughout our community to Jericho, Plainview, Syosset and beyond, bringing the joy of Shabbos and Kosher food to anyone who would like to get a home made, fresh Challah bread to their door.
So many families have been touched by this wonderful act of goodness and kindness already.
Please let Aliza know if you or anyone of your friends, family, neighbors or co-workers could use a Challah Hug!
Let us know if you would like to participate on Thurs/Fri by baking or delivering with our amazing women in doing this wonderful Mitzvah.
You can also sponsor Challah Hugs in honor of a loved one or special occasion in your life! Sponsorship for 1 week = $180
Contact: Aliza Krivisky
aliza@miyad.org or on Facebook here
Friday Night Live!
Join us every Shabbat evening for a gourmet Home Cooked dinner prepared by Aliza.
Welcome in the warmth, excitement and traditions of Shabbos in the Krivisky’s Chabad House.
Shabbat Candlelighting, Songs, Kiddush, Challah, Soup, Salad, L’Chaim, Entrée & Dessert
It is really the place to be every Friday evening for families, college students, singles & seniors - everyone feels comfortable and leaves with an unforgettable experience.
Vibrant ambiance, stimulating conversation and relaxed environment, where everyone is family. Join us for what will soon be your tradition too!
Please RSVP.
Shabbat Minyan & Kiddush Lunch
Every Saturday Morning @ 10:00am at Chabad House
All services and prayerbooks are in Hebrew/English, with page numbers and instructions announced throughout. There is insight and uplifting song interspersed in the prayers, as well. Torah reading with a Minyan. Rabbi's sermon is short, sweeeet, fascinating and hilarious.
Followed by Kiddush, Lunch & L’Chaim!
Teffilin Club
Bonding with the infinite
Bonding with each other.
Every Sunday 9am we get together to wrap Teffilin, learn a few prayers and hang out and enjoy a delicious breakfast.
A great introduction to keeping this essential Mitzvah, in a fun, social setting.
All are welcome. No experience necessary.
Bring your own Teffilin, or use ours!
Sponsorship available.
(Social distance & masks observed)
Glatt Kosher Grass-Fed Meat
Good for your body & good for your soul!
Regularly throughout the month we run a group-buy for the best meat money can buy right here in Jericho to make going Kosher easy, healthy, affordable and delicious.
CHK Heksher
100% Organic option
All cuts available
Very Inexpensive - amazing prices!
Highest Quality
No Hormones or Antibiotics
Higher Omega 3 & 6
Perfect for Yom Tov & Shabbos
Brisket, Rib Steak, Skirt Steak & more.
Flexible quantities
Ask the Rabbi - LIVE!
Every Monday Night on Facebook Live! Ask me anything. #ama #rabbilive
[ Click to connect with Rabbi on Facebook. ]
Private message available for personal, confidential or anonymous online questions and answers.