Allow yourself to experience MiYaD.
Get to know our Rabbi & Aliza.
[ We always have time for you ]

Find your own path.
Grow in a supportive community.
Strengthen your spiritual connection.
You are invited to experience a Jewish life filled with vibrancy and inspiration. Over 13 years ago, Rabbi Chanan & Aliza Krivisky and their children began a community-based initiative called MiYaD.
Through personal attention and simultaneous communal growth, MiYaD has now has grown into a dynamic Jewish organization servicing a broad spectrum of Jewish families.
Find out why so many of your friends and neighbors have made MiYaD their spiritual home - really it is a "Jewish home away from home", filled with warmth.
Please avail yourself of any of our programs, classes, or services - we promise that you will be welcomed with a refreshing sense of openness and meaning.
[ Jewish Life on Long Island: RELOADED ]
MiYaD is geared toward a lifestyle imbued with meaning and positive energy. We follow a holistic, authentic approach to Torah, that is refreshingly open and intellectually stimulating.
MiYaD is a fusion of the ancient and the contemporary. Weaving past, present and future, with an eye on growth for the individual and the family, we are creating an warm Jewish community experience - together.
MiYaD is a boutique-synagogue where you'll be inspired.
MiYaD is the Hebrew/Judaic School your kids won't want to miss.
MiYaD itself is not affiliated with a denomination - so you don't have to be either! Nobody will judge whether you are 'Jewish enough'. All prayer services and classes are designed specifically for all levels. We avoid the stale, stuffiness that turns people off to their tradition and rejoice in what unites us.
MiYaD is a unique mix of the social and the spiritual. Our unified goal is to create a vibrant Jewish life here on Long Island, all while remaining unabashedly hip.