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Passover w/ MiYaD

  • MiYaD 82 Forsythia Lane Jericho, NY, 11753 United States (map)

Dear Friends, 
As we now approach Passover, we wish for you and your family a Kosher and Happy Passover.  
We are told of 'Four Sons' who attend the Seder, in the Haggadah.
The Rebbe tells us of a 'Fifth Son' who might not even show up!
We are here to make sure that there are no 'Fifth Sons' in our community.  
We want to celebrate with YOU! ...and let everyone know they are welcome.
Together, let us reach out to our family, friends and neighbors to let them know that there is a place for them at our Seder, this Pesach.
Passover is the festival of redemption.  It is a time for us to go out of our personal limitations, which in turn, leads to the complete global redemption through Moshiach NOW!!
"THIS Year in Jerusalem!!"
Wishing you and yours all the best in this "Season of Our Freedom". 
Blessings & Success, 
Rabbi & Aliza Krivisky
Menachem, Esther, Menucha, Zalman, Moussia, Shmuel, Shterna Sarah & Rivkah

Be the "Wise Son" - prepare accordingly!
BIG Mitzvahs to do before Passover:

Giving Tzedakah for Pesach is called 'Maos Chittim', it is thematically related to the idea of experiencing Freedom on Passover. CLICK HERE.

Giving Tzedakah for Pesach is called 'Maos Chittim', it is thematically related to the idea of experiencing Freedom on Passover. CLICK HERE.

DON'T BE SQUARE, DADDY-O Buy Handmade Round Matzah!It's bread of healing! It's the bread of faith!  It's not your grocery-store-bought-cardboard!  It is the official food of Passover! Lot's of stores now carry it, and MiYaD can help you ge…

DON'T BE SQUARE, DADDY-O Buy Handmade Round Matzah!
It's bread of healing! It's the bread of faith!  It's not your grocery-store-bought-cardboard!  It is the official food of Passover! Lot's of stores now carry it, and MiYaD can help you get some, too.

Join MiYaD for a meaningful               Passover Seder experience

Monday/Tuesday Evenings, April 10 & 11 @ 8:30pm
Moshiach Feast - Tuesday, April 18 @ 6:30pm
82 Forsythia Ln. Jericho
All are welcome. Please RSVP.

Choose Wisely:
It's your Passover Seder
@ your in-laws... shpilkus!
@ a hotel... ugh!
@ a restaurant... puh-lease!
@ a center... gag me with a spoon!
@ a resort... forgettaboutit!

For various reasons, each of these options don't sound so 'liberating'. 
But Passover is supposed to be the season of our freedom, celebrating our physical and spiritual freedom from constraints and limitations.  

So why don't you spend it with us?

Delicious home-cooked dinners? YES.
Inspirational (and quick!) Haggadah/Seder leadership? YES. 
Cute kids? YES. 
Fun & stimulating discussion? YES. 
Top-shelf wine? YES. 
All the Mitzvahs done right & with feeling? YES.
A Passover Seder never to forget? YES!!!
FREE? Of course, Bubbala!
Who charges for such a Mitzvah having you in their home, eh?! 

(to make a donation click here)
This year, as always, Rabbi & Aliza Krivisky and family will be opening their home and hearts to welcome you to their home to celebrate Passover the right way - with friends and family.  

Once again, we invite you to take part in one of the most special, mystical dates on the Jewish Calendar - the Eigth Day of Passover, which is charachterized by the special dinner called the Moshiach Feast.

About two hundred and fifty years ago, as the time for Mashiach drew closer, the Baal Shem Tov instituted a custom which underlines the connection between the Redemption and the Eighth Day of Pesach: on that day he would partake of Moshiach’s Seudah, the festive meal of Moshiach.  

It is an informal, yet highly inspirational & delicious dinner with singing, stories, Torah thoughts and 4 traditional cups of wine (like the Seder!), all in the spirit of Moshiach's imminent arrival.
We would love for you to join us, Tuesday, April 18th 6:30 - 8:30pm @ our Chabad House located @ 82 Forsythia Ln., Jericho, NY 11753, for a wonderful evening as we send off the Passover holiday with a bang!  
No RSVP needed; FREE
- A Reflection of Mashiach -

The Eighth Day of Pesach is traditionally associated with our hopes for the coming of Moshiach. For this reason, the Haftorah read on that day contains many prophecies which refer to the Era of the Redemption. Among the best-known of these: “The wolf will dwell with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with a young goat” and, “He will raise a banner for the nations and gather in the exiles of Israel."

Get Organized...
Passover Schedule
(Confirm Times Here)

April 9: 
Search for Chametz begins: 7:56pm

April 10:
Finish Eating Chametz: 10:43am
Chametz has been sold & burned: 11:49am
Midday: 12:55pm
Candlelighting: 7:11pm
Sunset: 7:29pm
Night: 7:57pm
Midnight: 12:54am

April 11:

Candlelighting: AFTER 8:12pm

April 12:
First 2 days of Holiday ends: 8:13pm

Shabbat, Fri. April 14th Candlelighting @ 7:15pm

Sunday, April 16:
Candlelighting: 7:17pm
Sunset: 7:35pm
Night: 8:04pm

Monday, April 17:
Candlelighting: AFTER 8:19pm

Tuesday, April 18:
Passover Holiday ends: 8:20pm

(Confirm Times Here)