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Shavuos @ MiYaD

  • MiYaD 82 Forsythia Lane Jericho, NY, 11753 United States (map)
It is a custom to decorate one's home and synagogue with flowers on Shavuot. 
This year we will be having a Garden Party outdoors & bringing you to the flowers!
  • Morning Services 10:00am followed by Specialty Coffees, Cheesecakes, Make-your-own Ice Cream Sundaes and outdoor Children's Progam.
  • Garden Party 5:00pm & Family Dinner! PLEASE RSVP
Hear The Ten Commandments!
Donations are always welcome before the Holiday. 
Shavuos Programs are FREE of charge. $180/ $250/ $360/ Sponsorships are gratefully accepted
All are invited.
You don't need to travel to the desert!
It's happening right here!
82 Forsythia Ln. Jericho, NY 11753
Rain or Shine

It’s that time of year, lots going on…

Dads and Grads, Memorial Day, school is almost out and summer is in the air!! 
On the Jewish calendar, Passover is long gone, and the High Holidays and hours spent in synagogue and fasting is 6 months away…

So what is an American Jew to do?

As Americans we are just starting to thaw and get excited for great weather outdoors, and as Jews we feel a little empty having nothing to feel guilty about.
That brings us to the holiday of Shavuos, the ‘Lost Holiday’. 
Somehow in all the excitement on our calendar this time of year, the one Holiday that actually makes us JEWISH, is forgotten. 3,329 years ago G-d chose us to become the Jewish Nation on Mt. Sinai, receiving the Torah.  Shavuos celebrates that world-changing event. 
Ironically it is actually the easiest of all Biblical holidays to observe!!
  • It’s only 2 days, versus 8 for Passover and Sukkot!
  • There’s no fasting like Yom Kippur, in fact, we eat Cheesecake! 
  • Unlike hours and hours spent in synagogue on Rosh HaShana, we just hear the 10 Commandments read from the Torah during regular Yom Tov morning services!
I would argue that Shavuos appeals to our modern, American sensibilities more than any other Jewish holiday!
Quick! Easy! Indulgent! Independent! Powerful!
Celebrate Shavuos at MiYaD and experience a truly Immemorial Holiday Weekend.

Shavuos Schedule
Tuesday, May 30th
Eve of First day Shavuos
Light Shabbat Candles at 8:00 PM
Red-eye with the Rabbi - 11:30pm All-night Torah Study @ 82 Forsythia Ln. Jericho
Wednesday, May 31st 
10:00am - Yom Tov Morning Services Minyan  
11:00am - Ten Commandments Torah Reading, for all Men, Women & Children.
Followed by Specialty Coffees from the 3rd wave of gourmet coffee, Cheesecakes, Ice Cream Sundae Bar & Kid's Program
5:00 - Garden Party & Family Dinner - Rain or Shine
(possible 2nd Torah Reading!)
 - Eve of Second day Shavuot
Light Holiday Candles after 9:08 PM
Thursday, June 1st
Yom Tov Morning Services Minyan @ 10:00am, YIZKOR
Holiday Ends 9:09 PM
All are welcome
Our Minyan needs you!!
Sponsorships Available: DONATE HERE @
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