Looking Forward to a Year of Maximum Sweetness…

We all really need it.


{ scroll through the entire page to ensure that you achieve maximum sweetness }

A beautiful Shul setting with a simple service becomes your meaningful experience.

MiYaD Chabad House is located at 82 Forsythia Lane in Jericho.

Unfortunately, the Milleridge Inn is currently undergoing construction, so this year we will be holding High Holiday Services in a beautiful tent at the Chabad House.

The Best High Holiday Services, Especially for you…

All services and prayerbooks are in Hebrew/English, with page numbers and instructions announced throughout.  There is insight and uplifting song interspersed in the prayers, as well.

Rabbi's sermon is short, sweeeet, fascinating, and hilarious.

We strive to create a warm, family-friendly atmosphere. Seats are first-come, first-served. 

All are welcome. Please RSVP.

{ Suggested Donation $100/person }

{ Yizkor Donations Accepted }

{ High Holiday Sponsorships Available $1000 - $18,000 }

*see below for MiYaD Family Membership

After RSVP, you can also mail check, payable to MiYaD to:

MiYaD 82 Forsythia Ln. Jericho, NY 11753

Make MiYaD, your Jewish home, you'll be glad you did.

Call 516.336.9077, email: info@miyad.org or donate to let us know you're coming!


Wednesday, October 2nd

Light Candles @ 6:16pm

Evening Services @ 7:00pm
@ MiYaD Chabad House - 82 Forsythia Ln. Jericho, NY 11753

Thursday, October 3rd

Morning Services @ 10:00am

Shofar Blowing @ Noon

Additional Shofar Service @ 4:00pm

Light Candles after @ 7:12pm

Evening Services @ 7:00pm
@ MiYaD Chabad House - 82 Forsythia Ln. Jericho, NY 11753

Friday, October 4th

Morning Services @ 10:00am

Shofar Blowing @ Noon

Additional Shofar Service @ 4:00pm

Shabbat Candlelighting @ 6:12pm

Evening Services @ 7:00pm
@ MiYaD Chabad House - 82 Forsythia Ln. Jericho, NY 11753

Shabbat/Saturday, October 5th

Morning Services @ 10:00am

Shabbat Ends 7:09pm


Friday, October 11th

Candlelighting/Fast Begins @ 6:01pm

Kol Nidre/Kabbalat Shabbat Services @ 6:00pm

@ MiYaD Chabad House - 82 Forsythia Ln. Jericho, NY 11753

Shabbat/Saturday, October 12th

Morning Services @ 10:00am

Yizkor @ 12:00pm

Afternoon Service (Mincha) & Neilah Closing Service & Final Shofar @ 5:30pm

Shabbat/Holiday & Fast Ends @ 6:58pm

@ MiYaD Chabad House - 82 Forsythia Ln. Jericho, NY 11753

BREAK-FAST SERVED!! Join us for delicious food & coffee!! @ MiYaD Chabad House - 82 Forsythia Ln. Jericho, NY 11753


sukkot simchat.jpg

SUKKOT @ CHABAD HOUSe starts Wednesday, October 16th!!! 

Join us as we Rock the Sukkah Every Night!!!


SIMCHAS TORAH @ CHABAD HOUSE start October 23-25th!!!

Join us to dance with Torah and say L'Chaim!


Shofar Service @ 4:00pm @ MiYaD Chabad House

MiYaD is adding additional services on Rosh HaShana so that everyone has a place to feel comfortable to connect through prayer and hear the blowing of the Shofar.

In addition to our regular Service,
we have added
2 more ways to pray:

1) Outdoor Shofar Service both days of Rosh HaShana 4:00 pm
A short & sweet Sermon, a few prayers & sounding of the Shofar
@ MiYaD Chabad House BACKYARD - 82 Forsythia Ln. Jericho, NY 11753

2) Short, Early-Evening Service
Both Days of Rosh HaShana 7:00 pm
A Short Prayer Service Mincha/Maariv @ MiYaD Chabad House SHUL & TENT - 82 Forsythia Ln. Jericho, NY 11753

There will be ample opportunities for everyone to hear the Shofar blowing as that is the Biblical Mitzvah of the day.


As always at MiYaD, there is no fee to attend services. Please understand that the donations made over the High Holiday season are crucial towards covering the budget. As such, please remember to make your High Holiday donation. There will be envelopes available, and donations can be made online as well at www.miyad.org/donate.

PHOTO: MiYaD's High Holiday's Synagogue @ the Milleridge Inn

PHOTO: MiYaD's High Holiday's Synagogue @ the Milleridge Inn


5785 - 2024/2025 MiYaD Family 

Your home and family are your nest, the center of your life, the hub from which all your daily experiences extend.

It's where you should feel most comfortable in the world.

Your family determines how you make your life decisions, they shape your attitudes, your awareness, your self-esteem - it makes you, YOU!

A healthy home life is a vital ingredient in the pursuit of a meaningful life.

[ Not Membership. Family! ]

This Time, It’s Your Time –
To our MiYaD attendees: we’re pleased you’ve been enjoying our programs, Mitzvah campaigns, prayer services, and classes.
But it would please us much more if you would officially join our MiYaD community!
YES! MiYaD is now starting a Membership program. It's called "MiYaD Family", because membership is exclusive and we are inclusive, like a family.
Only with your direct moral and financial support can our Shul, MiYaD, sustain its dynamic development: our future is in your hands!
Our MiYaD rates are affordable, tax-deductible and can be payable in monthly installments!
Now is the time to do the right thing by making MiYaD your own, and joining our growing family today!
Contact Rabbi or Aliza directly, to secure your Jewish home for 5785.

BECOME A MEMBER OF MIYAD FAMILY $118/month* or $1400/year

*set up a recurring donation on a credit card, ACH payment or Zelle.

No family is ever denied synagogue membership due to financial reasons.
Membership is
not compulsory for any of our programs.

May you and yours be written and inscribed for sweet year - L'Shana Tova!!